30 Day Health Challenge · Green Living · health

30 Minutes of exercise begins tomorrow. Are you ready???

Task 2 begins in less than 24 hours! Exercising for at least 30 minutes during the day is probably going to be easy for us tomorrow, seeing as that is the weekend. But with work resuming some of us might find it hard to carve out that exercise time. But let's remember, exercising is not… Continue reading 30 Minutes of exercise begins tomorrow. Are you ready???


Hand and Body Lotion Recipe- Task 10 Prep

Look what I found! A natural hand and body lotion and body butter that you can make! I have not tried it yet because I have to find that emulsifying wax and the citric acid, but I am definitely can get the other stuff on one of my runs into town. Well, go out and… Continue reading Hand and Body Lotion Recipe- Task 10 Prep